part 4
Climate change .The amount of co2 in the atmosphere would change by weather .If it increasing there might be a tipping point.70 percent of the earth is covered by water plan ton are almost eaten by everything .So that's why they come out at night .There is a team that captures them to see there progress Over the years the dropped by 20% .They are dieing by global warming .That might change the food web and drive fish to extinction.There is a shift in water temperature .There testing on crabs what their limits are and there are already with the wild temperature if it increases by 2 degrees es it could make there heart stop .That would change the food web and cause an effect to the animals that feed on it .The people probably have to give up somethings .People in Trinidad are having trouble breathing .And it is increasing .A woman named mantel she is looking why this is happening or how 2 decades ago the waters over there the coral was amazing it has changed it looks dead there are less fishes too .It is being caused by dust thousands of miles away fifty years ago lake chad was as far as the eye could see know it is one 20Th its size It use to produce so many fish it had its on research lab know it is a. The dust that is being send probably has a diseases a fungus .It the same thing killing the coral.Dust has been going over a millennial so why is it having an effect know .There are two air movers in the Atlantic ocean one low and one high .And it is sending dust and it is being caused by global warming.Even if Africa is thousand of miles away is having changes it is having it an effect on the Caribbean.
If a flood happens it will mostly kill and starve other animals.Lake guru Venezuela.There is always a change every time a persons visit he sees dead organism .It use to be a vast area covered by trees and covered with life but now it is strangely quite.Close by in Iguana island is covered by monkeys and not really contacting.In another island close by A life cutter ant has reduced has the plants.Without there regular predators there prey wreak habit.In Yellowstone a time ago it was a vegetated area.But now it is scarce. And the reason why is probably because there are less wolves .Because they killed elk and elk eat plants and with more elk they eat more plants.So they tried an experiment.
Troubled waters and animals .People saying they spent decades cleaning the waters. People are cleaning the ponds for the frog.More than 20% of the frog species are extinct .By looking at the frog they can tell they are healthy ,but the scientist found something wrong with their organs .A chemical has gone to frog territory.People in farms are trying to help them By taking water samples .For them water doesn't stay put..Hidden in small waters are the white whales .They are know for there songs .Some time ago they said there songs should talk to us.Scientist are taking samples of the whales skin.The whales are taking in chemicals that we give and giving them cancer . People that fish are fishing and throwing them back because they are poisoned .It is a type of mercury .Some plants are able to control plants that can control of me tho mercury.But he had trouble because he never had time and the money.Bu thanks to new technologies we can clean every thing up where will they begin.A person named Vi tale knows what is roaming in his garden.He uses a lot of chemicals.But it ends up in reef .And it kills and poisons fishes .There was an out break it in the great barrier reef and there was an explosion of crown star fish .Because of the nitrogen that comes from the manure.By tropical storms .And when there are no trees the nitrogen runs of .So he is replacing some of is plants with trees .
Monday, November 15, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
alfredo g 13 2010
Strange days on planet earth
There are people that look for new species .The call them aliens .They could spread disease destruction.They go to spaces they should not have to go People in New Orleans
Part 2
Strange species .In lake Victoria.There is a predator that dominates this waters its called the crocodile.But that's not there only problem.Like diseases.It is Uganda.It was almost a century a go because a person dumped a crocodile.A plant was put there from a love couple and brought a weed type plant and spread through out the water.A Monitor lizard was sent to kill rats but they rarely encounter so the lizard eats chicken so they put a Kane toad to poison the lizard.They put a type of worm in the water to wipe out a plant that poisons the water.The United states are being invaded be fire ants .But they didn't cause no harm a long time ago.In Hawaii there is a dangerous thing that can cause massive land slide.And It causes a delta and there are animals found nowhere else.It was brought there because the person was seduced .Its called mikonia.
There are people that look for new species .The call them aliens .They could spread disease destruction.They go to spaces they should not have to go People in New Orleans
Part 2
Strange species .In lake Victoria.There is a predator that dominates this waters its called the crocodile.But that's not there only problem.Like diseases.It is Uganda.It was almost a century a go because a person dumped a crocodile.A plant was put there from a love couple and brought a weed type plant and spread through out the water.A Monitor lizard was sent to kill rats but they rarely encounter so the lizard eats chicken so they put a Kane toad to poison the lizard.They put a type of worm in the water to wipe out a plant that poisons the water.The United states are being invaded be fire ants .But they didn't cause no harm a long time ago.In Hawaii there is a dangerous thing that can cause massive land slide.And It causes a delta and there are animals found nowhere else.It was brought there because the person was seduced .Its called mikonia.
Monday, October 25, 2010
The age of stupid
Hurricane destroyed out a whole area and knocked out the oil in the water.But they were able to fix everything .Scientist think that they found oil under the water.they are maid by fossil.People every day are wasting thousands or maybe millions oil a day.And a country they produce thousands of gallons but instead of getting more money they get more poorer.So with the extra oil they just burn it so its just air polluting .
Shell wasting millions of gallons so much it waisted 4oo a hour.And the people there live of one dollar a day.People before stole and fought food water .But now there is a resource worth fighting for oil they said that the Iraq war was for oil. And a family from Iraq cross the border but then when they rented a place they found there dad dead.
The nigera people are really poor but when they strck oil instead of getting ritch they are getting more poorer.They no clean water or food .
Energy is being wasted to in China is building a company every four days so when you break a toy throw it a away it stays there about 5000 years or way more .when people don't want shoes they throw it away they send it to china they fix them up and sell them again.
consumerism people eat a lot americans eat more than eat.The worlds wealth very few but they take more than they needAnd there are peple that literly have nothing.In niger there are people with out water and food comepared to a regular american they are living like kings compared to them.They don't even got clean water.
After hurricane katrina everything on land is literly been tossed around.Cars houses sighns broken thrown.But not everybody ignored the climate change.They said that the world has to be 2 degrese lower .And if it keeps on increasing it would eventualy wipeout all life as we know it.A scientist wrote a book about climae change.By 2015 the world must be 3 degrese lower.A family has rudeced there carbon waste but a flight from NY to London is a years worth a carbon.
Pearce has been developing wind farms all over the place to conserve energy and for fifteen years .But theres a flaw there are people that don't want it.For them it is dstorying and wasting money becuase in some areas they don't get much wind.There even on protest against it .Local people are in sabotage.But out of the elctricity 10% isnot polluted So Pearce is getting complains about that it is messing up there view of a back yard.He said the worst example was a old lady showing him a guy getting shot.he had fifteen turbines all the way to nine
In London there are people that instead of using cars there using bikesThey made a protest on No Trucks .
But oil is what we use the most.It said that by increasing the time it said that everybody would be equal on oil and we would hae ten to fifteen times less oil by and by 2065 there would be almost zero.
it also said hat in the future there are going to blame us .Becuase we could have change it.And could us the age of the stupid.
Shell wasting millions of gallons so much it waisted 4oo a hour.And the people there live of one dollar a day.People before stole and fought food water .But now there is a resource worth fighting for oil they said that the Iraq war was for oil. And a family from Iraq cross the border but then when they rented a place they found there dad dead.
The nigera people are really poor but when they strck oil instead of getting ritch they are getting more poorer.They no clean water or food .
Energy is being wasted to in China is building a company every four days so when you break a toy throw it a away it stays there about 5000 years or way more .when people don't want shoes they throw it away they send it to china they fix them up and sell them again.
consumerism people eat a lot americans eat more than eat.The worlds wealth very few but they take more than they needAnd there are peple that literly have nothing.In niger there are people with out water and food comepared to a regular american they are living like kings compared to them.They don't even got clean water.
After hurricane katrina everything on land is literly been tossed around.Cars houses sighns broken thrown.But not everybody ignored the climate change.They said that the world has to be 2 degrese lower .And if it keeps on increasing it would eventualy wipeout all life as we know it.A scientist wrote a book about climae change.By 2015 the world must be 3 degrese lower.A family has rudeced there carbon waste but a flight from NY to London is a years worth a carbon.
Pearce has been developing wind farms all over the place to conserve energy and for fifteen years .But theres a flaw there are people that don't want it.For them it is dstorying and wasting money becuase in some areas they don't get much wind.There even on protest against it .Local people are in sabotage.But out of the elctricity 10% isnot polluted So Pearce is getting complains about that it is messing up there view of a back yard.He said the worst example was a old lady showing him a guy getting shot.he had fifteen turbines all the way to nine
In London there are people that instead of using cars there using bikesThey made a protest on No Trucks .
But oil is what we use the most.It said that by increasing the time it said that everybody would be equal on oil and we would hae ten to fifteen times less oil by and by 2065 there would be almost zero.
it also said hat in the future there are going to blame us .Becuase we could have change it.And could us the age of the stupid.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Science games
The game I liked the most is the archer game because you have to work with your aiming .The cool thing about it is that I can work on my aiming but not in real life But it kinda helps me .I learn how to aim and how to aim and at what time.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
What I learned Most This Year
I learned a lot of things this year but the things I learned the most.I learned how to fix codes since we did it a lot I know how it is supposed to look like . And how to do shapes and designs on flash I know how to make everything look good and mostly everyone that sees it complements on my designs.That's why they made me flash designer.That is my job I actually told them that if I can be it . how to do the button that really help me a lot so when I done with school I can do it in my house . It is pretty cool.And I know how to move scenes I can make things go to one place to another.That means I can make my own cartoon that will be nice.And the thing I learned the most is how to work together because at first we didn't get along we had to get in to some arguments but then we got to work together as a team and working together brought us to victory we won I am most proud of my team for working hard.I thank Victoria Noel Diana and Arlett.
Monday, April 26, 2010
In globaloria I planning to make a game .Mostly every one in my school is.We are making games becuase we do not want people to fail a grade.My team objective is math objective 4.First our team had to think if it and then draw it on flash cs3 pro.The team members are me,noel,diana,victoria and arrlet .The teams team leader
Monday, April 19, 2010
Adding Navigation
Adding navigation was kinda hard sometimes.But sometimes I understood really well.I was kinda struggling because I ruined up on the intro scene.But then since I was beside a person who was n track I asked him and he fixed it for me.But the hardest part for me on adding navigation was the buttons I kept messing up I thought this should go there and that should go there But still I got it .The fun parts were the easy parts were fun for me because I could just relax while the other students.Like when we had to put text in the frame labels it said intro scene about scene and Game scene.Some of the parts on adding navigation were to hard I just couldn't get it I had to wait at least three days to find out the correct way to do it.I had to ask the teacher.I kept getting lost on Button thing.Every day the teacher refreshed our memories by reviewing what we did the day before just in case somebody was missing something or students that weren't here that day.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
1 Flash has not been very hard for me.I have no trouble folling the class but the times it gets hard only when I have to put the codes in.Every time I put it in there I am always missing something .But when the teachers is going to fast I get lost in flash.But he rest is easy if there is an assessment that we don't have to add codes I ashore you that I would be ahead of everybody.
2Flash is not that hard but some times it gets a little tricky.So when I am left behind I just ask somebody beside me.I understand flash completely.Every body does in my class nobody complains about it not even once.The teacher always goes at the right speed.
3Flash's coding is hard to remember because one mistake is the only one you will get because she might not even repeat it again.So if the code on top of it is correct then just copy it not the words how it is.And we get all the codes from the wiki so it is mostly always right.
4I don't think flash is hard if you are distracted then you will have a problem but if you don't talk and pay attention to the teacher.You will be a flash expert.But if you want to be a flash expert then you need to be on task.
5 Yes there aren't that much distractions in the classroom but then I hear two people arguing over some thing.But I try to ignore them but then they start screaming but I just mine my one buisness.
6I think I can try to help them with there problem but I think it will only make it worse so whats the point.So I just wait till the teacher says something or ends it.
7 Yes I think video tutorials are very helpful they show exactly what to do but when they go to fast I tell the teacher and she will rewind it.And I feel great about these flash videos videos.
9 I can help myself in flash if I don't get distracted and if I don't listen to anybody else just the teacher and the assestment.
10I think if there is a teacher who wants to teach there students about flash I could probably help he/she.Or if the teacher wants us to make a game.
2Flash is not that hard but some times it gets a little tricky.So when I am left behind I just ask somebody beside me.I understand flash completely.Every body does in my class nobody complains about it not even once.The teacher always goes at the right speed.
3Flash's coding is hard to remember because one mistake is the only one you will get because she might not even repeat it again.So if the code on top of it is correct then just copy it not the words how it is.And we get all the codes from the wiki so it is mostly always right.
4I don't think flash is hard if you are distracted then you will have a problem but if you don't talk and pay attention to the teacher.You will be a flash expert.But if you want to be a flash expert then you need to be on task.
5 Yes there aren't that much distractions in the classroom but then I hear two people arguing over some thing.But I try to ignore them but then they start screaming but I just mine my one buisness.
6I think I can try to help them with there problem but I think it will only make it worse so whats the point.So I just wait till the teacher says something or ends it.
7 Yes I think video tutorials are very helpful they show exactly what to do but when they go to fast I tell the teacher and she will rewind it.And I feel great about these flash videos videos.
9 I can help myself in flash if I don't get distracted and if I don't listen to anybody else just the teacher and the assestment.
10I think if there is a teacher who wants to teach there students about flash I could probably help he/she.Or if the teacher wants us to make a game.
Monday, March 8, 2010
the presentation

The presentation was amazing they said that everybody should go to college and that some people didn't even set foot in a college .But at that presentation it explained a lot of stuff .And I think that we should spend the money on a gym that is my opinion.But we should also spend it on field trips about learning like the NASA in Houston.Or make another class called band and buy a lot of band instruments.But it is up to they teachers.There is a world of possibilities of what they can spend it on I would spend it on a lot of things like school supplies or fun outdoor activities .Or even a trip to like other states.That would be amazing .
Friday, March 5, 2010
Loco cinco's progress
Our progress is great .We all do our jod we ask each other if we need help.We all keep all our jobs .We never say ask me later or get away .If they need help we just ask the person who is an expert in our team.We all egt along I think .Every one is doing there work .I feel like the agem is coming along real well.
Some one in my team.Arrlet tells us what to do.She makes sure that every one is doing there share.But I feel like I am not doing much work but I am I don't knwo why I have this felling insde me.But still I never rold my team becuase they might teel my t do more work and you know nobody likes to do more work.
When we get into on argument we let the team leader to help us what is better for the game .And that is mostlty it.The rest is perfect even the teacher says look at that team they are all working.And it helps all of us
My thing about flash
Flash in technology that has been my favorite thing.When I first herd about that and saw what we had to do just to make one game .I was surprise what a guy had to go through.I through all that.Since when I came to this school I was lazy and fat now I am ready to learn and play a lot.
And when I saw what the other class did I was amazed.I didn't know what to do.But when the teacher showed me what to do it was all easy.I had no problems with flash people even asked me for help.In my team they picked me because they seen what I have done .And while I was in flash I learned other stuff like the paint.I can make it look shiny and I know how to mix the colors.The subject of my teams is 4 and my teams name is loco cinco.
the team members are Victoria Arrlet Diana Noel and me Alfredo.the jobs of them are.Well victria's is update and Arrlet is the team leader she keeps all of us on track Diana is to design.I forgot what was Noels .And mine was to help my team with flash if they need if not I just come around and check just in case.
And when I saw what the other class did I was amazed.I didn't know what to do.But when the teacher showed me what to do it was all easy.I had no problems with flash people even asked me for help.In my team they picked me because they seen what I have done .And while I was in flash I learned other stuff like the paint.I can make it look shiny and I know how to mix the colors.The subject of my teams is 4 and my teams name is loco cinco.
the team members are Victoria Arrlet Diana Noel and me Alfredo.the jobs of them are.Well victria's is update and Arrlet is the team leader she keeps all of us on track Diana is to design.I forgot what was Noels .And mine was to help my team with flash if they need if not I just come around and check just in case.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
SNOW DAY IN TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ever since 2006 there was snow but know.There was big snow day in Texas 2010 Feb23 it was more snow than the one in 2006 and warmer too that's why I liked the one that happened recently .I remember the last time it snowed it was bonk it was verily any snow at all I don't even know why they said it was a lot of snow in 2006.But still it was something something is better than nothing.That is what I always say to every body that says it was a little why did I even play outside.And then i told them .But he more I said it the better I felt.The snow day started when I was in class we just looked at the window and saw all the snow come down like crazy.And when looked at the sky all I saw was white and big pieces of cotton falling down An them the teacher just told us to write this blog that I am doing write now.I just can't get it out of my mind it felt like was just last week.I will never ever forget that day for the rest of the six weeks .
Monday, February 22, 2010
My teams Prototype
I felt actually good we finally are working together and I think it was fun . Working with my team mates was fun we got along we hardly ever argued over anything it was awsome.It was well i was nervous but I think I did pretty well because my teammates didn't say anything of what I did .And one of my team mates was stooping a little so I jumped in and read her things . And the game was understandable nobody said wait I don't get it .It was really nice .But there was a part that I didn't quite get so I asked the team captain and she explained it to me and then I understood every single part of the game .And the game already had math in it so we didn't have to put anyting in it .I kinda got a Little disappointed because we told each other that we shouldn't stop and go uhh so when she did that I jump in and talked for her and yes that was a little emberacing but more frustrating but since we can't go into the past I have to be proud of what we have .If you leave out all that stuff we did really swell .But when we first started I was nervous.But it was good
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
My Job

In my group I am the flash guy .I'm think I'm good at it because I'm am mostly all the rtime ahead of everybody and some of the team mates need help on it .I'm good at my job becuase I am ahead of everybody even the teacher said I'm good at it.Im my team we did have disagreements of our name and our jobs they thought I shoul be the deschin btuten I said I wasn't good at it so we put somebody that was really good at it.And then we looked for a name we had red devils or red monters.But then we found a really cool name well only for us its loco sies it was intel somebody left know its lococinco.I really like that name.I am lokking forward of making the best game in this school.That is not possible but It may happend.The insperation is the work that we do .That makes me happy all the time.Ilike the stuff that do .We work hard strong and we always do our work .In my old school nobody did there work.But the problems of the job were easy to solve becuase we found out the other peoples talent like mines was flash victorias was writing and dianas is desinging and noels is to be a speaker since he has a lou voice and a deep voice.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
The Prototype
I liked the paper prototype because it involve team work mostly all the time we have to look by are self's .When we picked the jobs it was easy because we all agreed of the jobs .We had fun on it because we had all sorts of ideas.I was the flash so I really didn't do anything .Victoria was the writer because she writes good .Noel was the designer because he has good ideas for design.And I forgot what was arr lets job but we did us her game because we thought it might be more easier .At first I thought we wouldn't get anywhere because we had one team mate that didn't pay attention.And I kinda felt like I was left out because I really didn't get anything .Arr lets game was easy because it was measuring and angles .But I think everybody did the same amount of work.But the hardest thing was making our name because we made weired names like octopus sharks.But we thought of one loco Seis .The game was easy because later on the explained it to me and then I under stood it but then I thought how about we add cars to it .and they agreed to to it .We all agreed to it and we did everything that she said setting.objective,fun,and entertaining game .that is what I like the most.
Monday, January 25, 2010
The Mini Game
I liked Flash it was all easy I had no trouble getting everything right and when I have trouble in flash I just ask somebody that's beside me.There was on step that was kinda hard was the step that we had to make the score change I just couldn't I tried and tried but I couldn't.Then I just asked the person that was beside me and he already did it.But the funnest part of all the steps is when we finished everything because I could make the bunny move left, right,up,down.And the score would change it was the funnest part because I got through all the steps and I could do anything I want with it.The other reason is because I got to help other people.But the worst part of the whole game is we had to put the codes in and every time I put the code in I had to fix it every time and if I don't know what to do I ask somebody.I don't like doing that because I might bring the student behind.But when we finally finished everything or just a step I could play game.I like that a lot .I play all kinds of games action adventure racing/vehicle simulation
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I think flash is a really good thing because I have thought of making a game for a long time and know I can make it.It is also very easy Because the steps are so simple yeah some times I get disappointed that they are going to fast or I can't figure it out and also I get behind.That sometimes worries me because it ruins my grade.So know since we have guide lines I can sometimes go ahead that also makes me worry because the teacher might get mad or angry.So I decided to stop goofing of and I wasn't and try to listen to the teacher and follow the exact same steps.Or if not ask another student.But FLASH is really awesome.Flash is difficult and fun at the same time it's kinda weired thou.I think its fun because you get to make things move and also make your own mini cartoon.I think we started doing flash on the third day of the begging of the school year.And there are keys like the bunny rabbit and the carrot I thought it will be hard because I saw what we had to do just to make one game.But I am looking forward for how my game would look like and how the people say or think about it.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
My Game
I think that when they play my game they might say its to hard.But when there playing it they are actually learning.I also think its hard but this prevents people from dropping out of school.For me math is kinda hard.If they don't know math objective one they could play my game even thou it might not be cool it doesn't have to be cool to play it .What if the teacher says to play a game about math and they don't know math objective 1.That's when you Can study and play at the same time.And if it doesn't have a cool page remember don't knock it till you try it.What I'm saying is just try it.Have they ever seen a cool math game I'm not going to lie I never have so just play some that you learn from not because they are cool or lame .Just try it no one likes games that make you learn well some do but that's not the point .If they don't get math objective one they can play my game.
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