Monday, November 15, 2010

alfredog 13 2010

part 4

Climate change .The amount of co2 in the atmosphere would change by weather .If it increasing there might be a tipping point.70 percent of the earth is covered by water plan ton are almost eaten by everything .So that's why they come out at night .There is a team that captures them to see there progress Over the years the dropped by 20% .They are dieing by global warming .That might change the food web and drive fish to extinction.There is a shift in water temperature .There testing on crabs what their limits are and there are already with the wild temperature if it increases by 2 degrees es it could make there heart stop .That would change the food web and cause an effect to the animals that feed on it .The people probably have to give up somethings .People in Trinidad are having trouble breathing .And it is increasing .A woman named mantel she is looking why this is happening or how 2 decades ago the waters over there the coral was amazing it has changed it looks dead there are less fishes too .It is being caused by dust thousands of miles away fifty years ago lake chad was as far as the eye could see know it is one 20Th its size It use to produce so many fish it had its on research lab know it is a. The dust that is being send probably has a diseases a fungus .It the same thing killing the coral.Dust has been going over a millennial so why is it having an effect know .There are two air movers in the Atlantic ocean one low and one high .And it is sending dust and it is being caused by global warming.Even if Africa is thousand of miles away is having changes it is having it an effect on the Caribbean.


If a flood happens it will mostly kill and starve other animals.Lake guru Venezuela.There is always a change every time a persons visit he sees dead organism .It use to be a vast area covered by trees and covered with life but now it is strangely quite.Close by in Iguana island is covered by monkeys and not really contacting.In another island close by A life cutter ant has reduced has the plants.Without there regular predators there prey wreak habit.In Yellowstone a time ago it was a vegetated area.But now it is scarce. And the reason why is probably because there are less wolves .Because they killed elk and elk eat plants and with more elk they eat more plants.So they tried an experiment.


Troubled waters and animals .People saying they spent decades cleaning the waters. People are cleaning the ponds for the frog.More than 20% of the frog species are extinct .By looking at the frog they can tell they are healthy ,but the scientist found something wrong with their organs .A chemical has gone to frog territory.People in farms are trying to help them By taking water samples .For them water doesn't stay put..Hidden in small waters are the white whales .They are know for there songs .Some time ago they said there songs should talk to us.Scientist are taking samples of the whales skin.The whales are taking in chemicals that we give and giving them cancer . People that fish are fishing and throwing them back because they are poisoned .It is a type of mercury .Some plants are able to control plants that can control of me tho mercury.But he had trouble because he never had time and the money.Bu thanks to new technologies we can clean every thing up where will they begin.A person named Vi tale knows what is roaming in his garden.He uses a lot of chemicals.But it ends up in reef .And it kills and poisons fishes .There was an out break it in the great barrier reef and there was an explosion of crown star fish .Because of the nitrogen that comes from the manure.By tropical storms .And when there are no trees the nitrogen runs of .So he is replacing some of is plants with trees .

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